Friday, November 26, 2010


Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know that we did! Ate a little too much, but its hard to resist all that good food. Just wanted to give you all an update as the weeks are flying by and its getting closer to January. We had a team meeting last weekend to discuss our trip. We discovered that we need to somehow pack tents into our suitcases since we are going to be camping on a roof top. We aren't quite sure how we are going to fit them, but we will make it work as a team. We also discussed the Haiti Christmas packages that we will be bringing with us and handing out to the kids. My church Heartland Community Church-Sun Prairie is making 650 Christmas bags for the kids of Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. I can't wait to see the smiles on the kids faces when we hand them a Christmas gift!!
I called and made my appointment with the Travel Center. I will have to get a few immunizations and some Malaria pills. If you know me well you know I do NOT like shots at all! So I'm a little nervous! I'm just hoping I don't pass out like last time, make sure to pray for me!
Have a great weekend! And remember to continue to pray for the people of Haiti as they continue to fight Cholera, poverty, and natural disasters.

Haiti Fact of the Day:
Less then 20% of Haitians age 15 and older can read and write.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cholera Update

Good Evening,
I know many of you are really concerned about the cholera outbreak in Haiti. I wanted to give you all an update from the NWHCM. More then 900 people have died from cholera in Haiti and it continues to spread throughout the country. NWHCM (the mission that I'm going to) has developed a cholera treatment center to help and treat patients with or suspected of cholera. To date 14 people have died from cholera at the NWHCM treatment center. The medical staff are receiving medical supplies from the United Nations and have not started requesting American medical support teams. The mission has not canceled any of the short-term mission trips at this time. So far everything is still a go for our team and I'm really excited to get to Haiti and help in anyway I can. Just remember that it is all in God's hands and he will keep me and my team safe! Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti, the staff of Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, and my group.
If you are able at this time please remember to visit to donate towards my trip. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me.
Thanks much!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I sent out the Support Letter through email. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the information. I would really appreciate any support you could offer me and my team as we prepare to travel to Haiti.

When I'm in Haiti I will be spending the majority of my time in a town called La Bay Mositque, aka The Bay of Mosquitoes! Great, huh? Well I will defiantly be bringing a lot of bug spray. We will staying at the home of the Roger's who help run the mission. We will be camping for the most part on their roof. It is going to be a very different experience, but life changing.

Haiti Fact of the Day:
Life Expectancy at birth: 60.78 years. The US is 78.11.

Stay Tuned...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Background on NWHCM

Good Morning! I thought that I would give you all some background on Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. MWHCM is an independent Christian Church Organization dedicated to establishing relationships with indigenous churches to help bring people of Northwest Haiti out of spiritual, physical and social poverty, to demonstrate God's love for all. The mission focuses on serving thousands of people all of ages. The mission provides, education, projects, medical clinics, and Bible college. NWHCM has been working hard to serve God's people for 30 years! I can say that I'm truly honored to have the chance to work alongside the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission in January!
Haiti Fact of the Day:
Roughly half of all Haitians live in absolute poverty (earning less then a $1 a day) and have no access to clean water.
It makes you stop and think how blessed we are to have all that GOD has provided us! Have a great weekend and make sure to stayed tuned for more posts!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Support Letters

Good Afternoon! So in my preparation for my trip to Haiti I have been putting together a support letter to send to family and friends (that's all of you). Some of you will be getting these through email or mail. My support letters are simply asking you all to give me financial support for my trip if you are able. The cost of my trip is a little expensive and I would appreciate any support, even prayers that you can offer. There is no pressure so please don't feel guilty if you cannot afford to support, I completely understand!
Some updates from the mission in Haiti after Hurricane Tomas:
Seven Northwest Haiti Christian Mission churches were damaged or completely destroyed because of the heavy rain and strong winds. La Baie des Moustique, where I will be staying, suffered minor damage from the hurricane. The was some minor flooding and a tin roof was blown off a building, but no one was injured.
I ask that you continue to pray for the people of the mission and the Haitians as they try to recover from all the loss in their lives.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome to my blog!!

As some of you may or may not know I have been given an amazing opportunity. I'm going on a mission trip to the country of Haiti. I am going with a group of 12 people from my church, Heartland Community Church- Sun Prairie. I will be leaving for this life changing adventure January 3, 2011 and returning January 10, 2011. I am so blessed and totally excited that God has given me this incredible opportunity to do His work for the people of Haiti! I have created this blog to give everyone the opportunity to follow me on this adventure as I prepare for my trip and also once I have returned. I can't wait to share pictures and amazing stories with all of you. I ask that you all are praying for me and my fellow team members as we prepare for this life changing and growing adventure!! Stay tuned for more information and blogs!