Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cholera Update

Good Evening,
I know many of you are really concerned about the cholera outbreak in Haiti. I wanted to give you all an update from the NWHCM. More then 900 people have died from cholera in Haiti and it continues to spread throughout the country. NWHCM (the mission that I'm going to) has developed a cholera treatment center to help and treat patients with or suspected of cholera. To date 14 people have died from cholera at the NWHCM treatment center. The medical staff are receiving medical supplies from the United Nations and have not started requesting American medical support teams. The mission has not canceled any of the short-term mission trips at this time. So far everything is still a go for our team and I'm really excited to get to Haiti and help in anyway I can. Just remember that it is all in God's hands and he will keep me and my team safe! Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti, the staff of Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, and my group.
If you are able at this time please remember to visit nwhcm.org to donate towards my trip. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me. Email:sweetheart_jen21@yahoo.com
Thanks much!

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