Friday, November 12, 2010

Background on NWHCM

Good Morning! I thought that I would give you all some background on Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. MWHCM is an independent Christian Church Organization dedicated to establishing relationships with indigenous churches to help bring people of Northwest Haiti out of spiritual, physical and social poverty, to demonstrate God's love for all. The mission focuses on serving thousands of people all of ages. The mission provides, education, projects, medical clinics, and Bible college. NWHCM has been working hard to serve God's people for 30 years! I can say that I'm truly honored to have the chance to work alongside the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission in January!
Haiti Fact of the Day:
Roughly half of all Haitians live in absolute poverty (earning less then a $1 a day) and have no access to clean water.
It makes you stop and think how blessed we are to have all that GOD has provided us! Have a great weekend and make sure to stayed tuned for more posts!

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