Thursday, November 11, 2010

Support Letters

Good Afternoon! So in my preparation for my trip to Haiti I have been putting together a support letter to send to family and friends (that's all of you). Some of you will be getting these through email or mail. My support letters are simply asking you all to give me financial support for my trip if you are able. The cost of my trip is a little expensive and I would appreciate any support, even prayers that you can offer. There is no pressure so please don't feel guilty if you cannot afford to support, I completely understand!
Some updates from the mission in Haiti after Hurricane Tomas:
Seven Northwest Haiti Christian Mission churches were damaged or completely destroyed because of the heavy rain and strong winds. La Baie des Moustique, where I will be staying, suffered minor damage from the hurricane. The was some minor flooding and a tin roof was blown off a building, but no one was injured.
I ask that you continue to pray for the people of the mission and the Haitians as they try to recover from all the loss in their lives.
Stay tuned!

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