Friday, November 26, 2010


Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know that we did! Ate a little too much, but its hard to resist all that good food. Just wanted to give you all an update as the weeks are flying by and its getting closer to January. We had a team meeting last weekend to discuss our trip. We discovered that we need to somehow pack tents into our suitcases since we are going to be camping on a roof top. We aren't quite sure how we are going to fit them, but we will make it work as a team. We also discussed the Haiti Christmas packages that we will be bringing with us and handing out to the kids. My church Heartland Community Church-Sun Prairie is making 650 Christmas bags for the kids of Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. I can't wait to see the smiles on the kids faces when we hand them a Christmas gift!!
I called and made my appointment with the Travel Center. I will have to get a few immunizations and some Malaria pills. If you know me well you know I do NOT like shots at all! So I'm a little nervous! I'm just hoping I don't pass out like last time, make sure to pray for me!
Have a great weekend! And remember to continue to pray for the people of Haiti as they continue to fight Cholera, poverty, and natural disasters.

Haiti Fact of the Day:
Less then 20% of Haitians age 15 and older can read and write.

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